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Registered Trademark No:01426462
KD 高鼎集團,成立於2008年,憑藉著十多年研磨相關經驗,我們能夠提供客戶最專業且最務實的方案,創造產品效益最大化是我們的強項,高效率與高彈性的服務表現更是讓我們在業界獨樹一格,所以可稱之為研磨專家。
KD Group,established since 2008
We have been studying in grinding technology for over a decade.
To provide the best and professional solution for customers is our priority.
To make the highest profit for customers is our target.
To create the best technical support is our duty.
That's the reason why that we're called GRINDING MASTER
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